New Students
Strengthen your body, calm your mind
New Students
Save Time
Book your class in advance. First time students have an introduction rate of $25. Returning students have a dropin fee of $29.
Drink plenty of water throughout the day and it is best not to eat 2 hours before class.
On Time
Arrive 15 minutes before class to sign up, and familiarize yourself with our studio. Class starts on time, no late entry. Class Schedule.
What to Wear
Wear light, form-fitting exercise clothing. Shorts and no sleeves are best.
Our studio is located on Commercial Drive, corner with Napier Street, upstairs from the Sweet Cherubim Restaurant. Look for the blue door and ring the intercom for entrance. Map.
What to Bring
Bring two towels, a yoga mat and a water bottle. We have mats and towels for rent at $4 each, as well as free filtered water.
Etiquette & Guidelines
Before Class:
Prepare: Avoid eating meals 2 hours before class. Come well hydrated.
Punctuality: Classes start on time. Please allow yourself enough time to arrive, change, and set up your mat.
Shoes: Leave outdoor shoes at reception. We have benches and cubbies at the top of the stairs and lobby area.
Hygiene: Be mindful about body odour. Please no perfumes or scents. Showers are recommended for both before and after class.
Storage: No cellphones, watches, wallets or other belongings in the yoga room. There are lockers ($0.50) in the change rooms. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Privacy: Store your phone in your belongings. Respect the privacy of your fellow yogis, no cellphone use in the change rooms.
Yoga Room: Align your mat so that both you and others are able to see themselves in the front mirror. If you arrive late, be mindful that you are not setting up directly in front of another practitioner. Those new are recommended to set up in the back of the room.
Safety: Protect bare feet. No glass jars or bottles in the yoga room.
Devices: No cellphones, watches, wallets or other belongings in the yoga room.
During Class:
Stay in the Room: The class is a set 90 minutes and students are expected to stay and complete the class. If you must leave early, please alert the instructor prior to class. Make it a goal each practice to attend the class in full without leaving the room. This is to prevent a sudden change in body temperature and to respect other practitioners sharing the space.
Take a Knee: As a beginner you may find the heat and practice to be very intense. This is very normal and you are allowed to sit out postures and rejoin when you feel ready.
Water: No water during the first 3 postures. The instructor will announce the first water break. This timing gives your body the proper warm up without the distraction of digesting water. Bring enough water to last the duration of the practice.
After Class:
Clean Up: Following final savasana, please leave the room quietly and clean up your area. Bring extra towels if you sweat heavily. There are buckets in the back of the room you may use to carry your wet mat and towel. Please rinse these buckets and return them to the room.